Pitchtraining - English Edition
22.05.24 | 16:00 o'clock – 19:00 o'clock |Potsdam | save as Calendar item
Convince with your start-up idea!
For this event a registration is necessary. Please log-in in your personal "My BPW".
Free capacity
Please note: due to illness, the speaker Julia-Toni Reiche has been canceled and will be replaced by Anett Lommatzsch at short notice, the seminar will be postponed by one hour from 4 to 7 pm.
If you want to convince people with your start-up idea, you need to be prepared in terms of content and be able to get to the heart of your idea. Pitch formats are ideal for this. But what exactly is a pitch?
In this practice-orientated training course, we get to the bottom of these questions. Together we will develop your own pitch and work on the topics of content structure, body language, voice, speaking style and impact.
This workshop is a cooperation with Potsdam Science Park.
Julia-Toni Reiche (Dialogwerk)

Julia-Toni Reiche ist zertifizierte Mediatorin, systemische Coachin, Trainerin und Gründerin des DialogWerk®. Als Sprechwissenschaftlerin (M.A.) arbeitet sie in den Bereichen Stimme, Sprecherziehung, Kommunikation, Präsentation und Konflikt. Neben ihrer freiberuflichen Tätigkeit arbeitet sie in einer Gründungswerkstatt für junge Existenzgründer*innen in Potsdam. Julia legt in ihren Trainings großen Wert auf den Einsatz praxisorientierter Übungen, denn das aktive Ausprobieren ist für sie der Schlüssel zur Veränderung des eigenen Kommunikationsverhaltens.
Anett Lommatzsch (manus ordinans)

Anett Lommatzsch has been working as a facilitator in sustainable organizational and strategic development since 2011. Here she focuses on change management and business innovation for start-ups and SMEs. She is an HU alumna and holds a master's degree in English/American Studies, Political Science and Sociology. Through her qualifications in results-oriented coaching (abf e.V.) and as a train-the-trainer (IHK Berlin) as well as in management (TÜV Nord Akademie) and in agile working methods such as Design Thinking (HPI) and Lego® Serious® Play, she combines different approaches in the process as required.
- Seminar