How do I develop my entrepreneurial personality?
01.07.25 | 16:00 o'clock – 18:00 o'clock |Online | save as Calendar item
Develop your entrepreneurial personality without the entrepreneur cliché!
For this event a registration is necessary. Please log-in in your personal "My BPW".
Free capacity
The online workshop is divided into three core areas:
1. Personal strengths and weaknesses analysis:
- Analyze your personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
- Recognize potential for further development.
- Derive strategic action steps for everyday (entrepreneurial) life.
2. Goal setting and vision:
- Define personal values and clear personal and entrepreneurial goals.
- Develop a vision for your entrepreneurial future.
3. Understanding your social network:
- Understand your social environment and network.
- Identify key contacts and resources.
The interactive workshop is accompanied by practice-oriented exercises and personal exchange. The seminar offers an initial perspective on the development of the entrepreneurial personality, promotes self-reflection and offers practical tools for the path to entrepreneurial success.
To conduct the online event, we will use the video conferencing tool of Zoom Video Communications, Inc. You can find information on data protection here: By participating in the event, you agree to this data processing.
This workshop will be held in german.
Anita Knappe (Potsdam Transfer)

Anita Knappe arbeitet seit 2020 als Entrepreneurship Education Managerin an der Universität Potsdam. Durch ihren Hintergrund in Human Resources Management und ihre Forschung im Bereich Sozialer Netzwerke vereint sie Praxiswissen und Wissenschaft, um angehende Unternehmer:innen bei der eigenen Karriereentwicklung zu unterstützen.
- Online seminar